Empowering Discussions

Simply Stated, A Social Media Superstar!

A big thank you to BCB Social Media for joining the 500 Blog-Raiser Challenge. 

If you are looking for strategies and tools that actually work for social media marketing than follow this blog. The articles are well written so everything is easy to understand.

I loved the post about using third party apps that can save you time, but can also waste time or keep people from seeing all your info. BCB covers so many topics like social media news, sneaky social media tricks, third party app integration and how to get the best out of each one, books for business, other business resources and so on.

BCB is operated by sisters Lily and Patricia.  Their goal is to make social media services available to small businesses on a budget.  Stop by their blog today and see what you can learn!  Start here: http://bcbsmedia.com/blograiser


Can you help us get to 500 and join our blograiser? You will also be part of our goal of empowering young women with resources and information. Check out this post for more information: https://writewhatuknow.wordpress.com/2012/01/17/the-500-blog-raiser-challenge/

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